Gemeindeamt / Rathaus
Municipal office Nesselwängle
Contact & Service
Nesselwängle 74, 6672 Nesselwängle
Opening Times
Informationen & Wissenswertes
Municipal office Nesselwängle
The community of Nesselwängle welcomes in a quiet atmosphere travelers who arrive from the south over the Gaichtpass. The appearance of the village and the way of life show Tyrol from its lovable side. Situated at the foot of Rote Flüh and Gimpel, spectacular alpine adventures are not far away, but at the same time there are also relaxing hiking trails, a charming cross-country skiing trail and tempting alpine skiing areas. The nearby Haldensee is a worthwhile destination at any time of the year. With the climbing forest for young and old, one of the valley's newest attractions can be found here.
MON-FRI 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.